dijous, d’agost 04, 2011

Despertaferro ( la Boluda)

Gracies al SHOT de aquesta beguda avui he flutat a la Gran...2 cops...sense dubte la millor...hahahha! Boluuuuuuda!!!

I de premi aquest "shot" dels putos amos ZOMBIES....a full

4 comentaris:

salings ha dit...

"and now I will send it", it's all it takes, bou! Fear is all in your head, power to do it is also all in your head. Be strong.

TRanki ha dit...

ENCADENADA al primer pegue. el Pepe posa cintes, trec corda per no forçar un tosrope nerviós i A MUERTE...al salt un segons de dubte, però a full...brrrrrr, quin yuyu...


Thanks als belayers, friendship and love for all...

craer ha dit...

love is over-rated, use the word sparingly.

Anònim ha dit...

I never consider LOVE as something someone has to spare with, this is precisely the problema of the human being...