dimecres, de juliol 06, 2011
Blood Bank...
Well I met you at the blood bank
We were looking at the bags
Wondering if any of the colors
Matched any of the names we knew on the tags
You said see look it that's yours
Stacked on top with your brothers
See how they resemble one anothers?
Even in their plastic little covers
And I said I know it well
That secret that you know
That you don't know how to tell
it f--ks with your honor
And it teases your head
But you know that its good girl
Cause its running you with red.
Then the snow started falling
We were stuck out in your car
You were rubbing both my hands
Chewing on a candy bar
you said ain't this just like the present
To be showing up like this
There's a moon waning crescent
we started to kiss
And I said I know it well
That secret that we know
That we don't know how to tell
I'm in love with your honor
I'm in love with your cheeks
what's that noise up the stairs baby
Is that Christmas morning
And I know it well
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6 comentaris:
mai me la trec del cap...serà que és simplement preciosa, joder...
That secret that we know
That we don't know how to tell
I'm in love with your honor
I'm in love with your cheeks
kin paio...
Matins al Ventosa, quan la penya ja havia fugat...i quedava la presència i les vibracions de totes aquelles ànimes, d'aquelles vides, de tantes històries desconegudes, de tantes "etiquetes" a "les bosses del banc de sang"...
I sols, ens desmandravem, i un a un cada nou dia era realment vell, perquè era igualment diferent de tots els altres que haviem viscut allà... i es ulls del nen que veia la neu i les muntanyes i de la mare que el vigila i li frega les mans pel fred i li posa crema al nas..., i del pare que, absort inspira aquell aire amb olor a pólvora, a tartera, a roca..i sap que, fet i fet....ho coneix tant, i tantmateix ho desitja tant com a aquells qui estan amb ell...
I said i know it well, and i'm in love with all that...
Gracies Crew per ser ...gtacies epl detall R.
Ja ho he dit alguna vegada.. i no em canso de repetir-ho... M'encanta aquest tío... les seves cançons em colpejan algo més que l'ànima...
so do I pekas, so do I...
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